Getting back into fitness can be hard! After a long period off, work commitments, children, and just life in general, it can feel near impossible to reclaim your body back. The anxiety of popping on lycra again, and the daunting feeling of entering the gym or a workout class, can send shivers down your spine. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel! Follow these SASI top tips and you will be wanting to shine in the gym again.
1. TIMETABLE: Look at your day and see where you can realistically dedicate an hour to the gym or a workout class. You must plan your time wisely so you do not ditch going when you feel demotivated.
2. PLAN: Go to the gym with a plan, whether that is doing a class or following weight training plan. Have a plan, so you are not aimlessly wondering around the gym. Pick gym classes and workout plans that you think you will enjoy. The more you enjoy something, the more likely you are to commit to it.
3. ORGANISATION: Pack your kit the night before and put it in your boot or by the front door. This way you will not sack off the gym because you ‘accidently forgot your kit!’
4. CONSISTENCY: Show up for yourself everyday! One step in front of the other. Focus on each day rather than the end goal, its what you do daily that counts.
5. PATIENCE: Give yourself grace when you are getting back into sport or the gym. Gradually build up your sessions, rather than going hard to quickly. Ensure you warm up (stretching) and cool down (streching again!) so you don't develop an injury.
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